Jilin High-tech Zone held industrial park entry project cooperation fair

来源:   时间: 2024-08-02 15:52
  On August 2, Zhang Shouhua, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jilin High New Area, presided over the project cooperation negotiation meeting of artificial intelligence Industrial Park and circular energy Industrial Park。Jiao Jiguo, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Jilin High-tech Zone, attended the meeting。
  会上,Zhang Shouhua and Jiao Jiguo had in-depth exchanges with Tang Hongming, Deputy director of Software Integration Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xu Jingbin, General manager of Beijing Guoke Anding Technology Co., LTD., Liu Xinxin, general manager of Beijing Guoke Sheng Micro Technology (Jilin) Co., LTD., Yu Lei, general manager of Guoke Soft Innovation Technology (Jilin) Co., LTD., and Yu Jingbo, chairman of Beijing Data Asset Evaluation Co., LTD., on relevant cooperation。
  Zhang Shouhua said that Jilin High-tech Zone attaches great importance to the construction of industrial park projects, and will provide convenient conditions for the construction of projects with pragmatic measures and high-quality services, and promote the implementation of high standards and high quality projects。
  At the meeting, the person in charge of Beijing Guoke Anding Technology Co., Ltd. introduced the planning and operation of artificial intelligence brain ring series products。The person in charge of Beijing Guokesheng Micro Technology (Jilin) Co., Ltd. introduced the production of artemisinin series products and the company's planning and operation mode。The person in charge of Beijing data Asset Evaluation Company discussed the implementation of data asset evaluation project and other issues。
  Jilin High-tech Zone Business environment Construction Bureau, development and reform Industry and information Bureau, Health Bureau, New North company officials attended the meeting。